1.1 Introduction
   1.1.a Building
   1.1.b Nonbuilding
   1.1.c Nonbuilding similar to building
   1.1.d  Nonbuilding not similar to building

1.2 Design bases

1.3 Materials

1.4 Concrete

1.5 Steel structure

1.6 Instalaciones estructurales para gas y petróleo apoyadas en otras estructuras

1.7 Design bases


2.1 Introduction

2.2 Steel as a structural material

2.3 Expected resistant capacity ratio

2.4 Structure-foundation connection system, bases plates, anchor bolts

2.5 What says ANSI/AISC 341-16 seismic specifications regarding the ductility of structural elements?

2.6 Expected plastic rotation capacity

2.7 What says ANSI/AISC 341-16 seismic specifications say regarding material stresses?

2.8 What is expected of rated resistant capacity, Rn?

2.9 Behavior of structural steel structure for static loads

2.10 Behavior of structural steel for cyclical loads or under seismic events

2.11 Use of heavy profiles

2.12 System welds

2.13 Use of concrete and reinforcing steel in steel structures


3.1 Introduction

3.2 Earthquake design philosophy

3.3 Why that  philosophy?


3.4 What happens during a seismic?

3.5 What is the duration time of ground movements?

3.6 Maximum amplitude of seismic waves?

3.7 What happens to the structure when the seismic movement?

3.8 Seismic factors affecting structural behavior

3.9 Does global seismic risk continue to increase?

3.10 How can structural engineers help?

3.11 What is the myth to be broken?

3.12 What are the basic principles of earthquake resistant design?

3.13 Serial design or parallel designs?

3.14 Collaboration from the conceptual engineering

3.15 What are the advantages of modern methods?

3.16 Características del diseño sismorresistente

3.17 How does this seismic action?

3.18 How is the energy provided by the earthquake dissipated?

3.19 What is an earthquake-resistant system or SLRS?

3.20 Who and how are the requirements that apply to earthquake-resistant systems regulated?

3.21 Why is construction quality particularly important for earthquake-resistant systems?

3.22 What is the meaning of inelastic response?

3.23 What is ductility?

3.24 How does the inelastic response affect a structure?

3.25 ¿Qué sucede cuando la estructura responde inelásticamente?

3.26 How are the fundamental period of vibration of a structure and its displacements related?

3.27 Response modification factor,  R
    3.27.1 Factor de modificación de respuesta R para períodos de vibración largos
    3.27.2 Response modification factor R for low vibration periods
    3.27.3 Response modification factor R for intermediate vibration periods

3.28 Hysterical behavior

3.29 Displacement amplification factor, Cd

3.30 Table of factors R, Ωo, and Cd

3.31 How do structural properties affect the inelastic response?

3.32 Rotations and floor displacement

3.33 How does the earthquake cause the collapse?

3.34 What are the most important aspects of earthquake-resistant design for industrial structures?

3.34.1 Continuidad

3.34.2 Sistema flexible de envigado

3.34.3 Regularity

3.34.4 Horizontal irregularities

3.34.5 Vertical irregularities

3.34.6 Irregularities in mass

3.34.7 Irregularities in structural geometry

3.34.8 Number of lateral supports

3.34.9 Dead loads

3.35 Earthquake-resistant requirements for steel structures

3.36 Applicability of the ASCE   7-1 6

3.37 Load system for LRFD

3.38 Analytical methods for the earthquake-resistant design

3.39 Lateral Equivalent Force Method

3.40 Modal response spectrum analysis method

3.41 Seismic response history analysis method

3.42 Resistant capacity and drift limits

3.43 Consideration of the minimum shear on base in the design for drift

3.44 Determination of the floor drift
    3.44.1 Drifts for structures with Seismic Category D, E, or F
    3.44.2 Minimum seismic base shear for the determination of the drift
    3.44.3 Período fundamental para la determinación de la deriva de piso
    3.44.4 P-∆ effects on story shears and moments
    3.44.5 How is the P-∆  effect used in an automated analysis by specialized software?


4.1 Introduction

4.2 With what criteria was it designed?

4.3 What codes and standards regulate earthquake-resistant design?
    4.3.1 ASCE 7-16 - Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures
    4.3.2 AISC 360-16 - Specification for Structural Steel Buildings
    4.3.3 AISC 341-16 - Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings
    4.3.4 AWS D1.1 - Structural Welding Code
    4.3.5 AWS D1.8 - Seismic Supplement to Structural Welding
    4.3.6 AISC 358-16 Prequalified Connections for Steel Intermediate and Special Moment Frames for Seismic Applications

4.4 Scope of the earthquake-resistant design

4.5 Available earthquake-resistant structural systems

4.6  Are there any benefits to applying so many design codes simultaneously?

4.7 Design with AISC 360-16 or ASCE 7-16?

4.8 Conclusion

4.9 What types of steel structures are classified to provide earthquake resistance?

4.10 Ordinary or special design?


5.1 Introduction

5.2 Structural Design

5.3 Intervention of the Structural Engineer

5.4 Uncertainties related to the final design

5.5 Objectives of structural design

5.6 Stability and structural integrity

5.7 Deflections or deformations

5.8 Vibrations

5.9 Fire resistance

5.10 Material fatigue

5.11 Need to know exactly the path load

5.12 Structural analysis methods
5.12.1 First-order analysis, P-δ
5.12.2 Second-order analysis, P-Δ
5.12.3 Consequences of the P-Δ effect 

5.13 Structural classification of facilities for the oil and gas industry

5.14 Structural design requirements for facilities of the oil and gas industry

5.15 Parameters for the seismic design of facilities of the oil and gas industry

5.16 Shear on base

5.17 Determination of the seismic response coefficient

5.18 Shear on base for non-rigid structures

5.19 Seismic importance factor Ie and risk category

5.20 Seismic force

5.21 Período fundamental

5.22 Approximate fundamental period

5.23 Vertical distribution of seismic forces

5.24 Horizontal distribution of seismic forces

5.25 Drift

5.26 Drift limitations

5.27 Separation between structures

5.28 Anchors in concrete

5.29 Site response spectra

5.30 Seismic interaction between non-structural components

5.31 Exercise 5


6.1 introduction

6.2 Systems load

6 .3 Typification of applied loads

6.4 Dead loads

6.5 Load for services, electricity, pipes, instrumentation, etc.

6.6 Loads for roof cladding

6.7  Mansory walls

6.8 Movable elements but with indefinite permanence

6.9 Live loads

6.10 Roof loads and complementary supporting elements

6.11 Wind loads

6.12 Thermal loads

6.13 Hypothesis about wind on structures of oil and gas industry
    6.13.1 Classification according to uses
    6.13.2 Classification according to wind
    6.13.3 Wind exposure categories
    6.13.4 Categories according risk
    6.13.5 Types of surface roughness of ground
    6.13.6 Net design pressure due to wind

6.14 Elements that intervene in stability due to wind

6.15 Loads that are used in a structural design by LRFD

6.16 Wind pressure on the walls

6.17 Wind loads

6.18 Factors influencing wind speed

6.19 Evaluation of wind pressures

6.20 Wind action

6.21 Seismic actions

6.22 Factored loads

6.23 Crane loads

6.24 Industrial cranes

6.25 Loads on the rail beam

6.26 Load combinations for rail beam design

6.27 Dimensiones óptimas de la viga carrilera

6.28 Loads on cranes and stiffener in rail beam

6.29 Some considerations to applied in the design of rail beams

6.30 Factors for determining loads in cranes

6.31 Types of loads produced by cranes

6.32 Maximum and minimum vertical loads produced by industrial  cranes on the rail beam

6.33 Maximum and minimum horizontal loads produced by cranes on the rail beam

6.34 Exercise 6 Study of wind loads for an industrial building


7.1 Introduction

7.2  Buiding or conventional building structures

7.3 Nonbuilding

7.4 Nonbuilding similar to building
    7.4.1 Generalities of nonbuldig similar to building
    7.4.2 Pipe racks Design bases for pipe racks
     7.4.3 Electrical power generation facilities Design bases for electrical power generation facilities
    7.4.4 Elevated structures or structural towers for vessels and tanks Design bases for levated structures or structural towers for vessels and tanks

7.5 Nonbulding not similar to building
    7.5.1 Structures for oil and gas industry supported by other structures
    7.5.2 Nonbulding not similar to building 
    7.5.3 Chimneys and burners Concrete chimneys and flares Steel chimneys and flares
        7.5.4 Earth retention structures
        7.5.5 Amusement park
        7.5.6 Telecommunication tower structures
        7.5.7 Containers, vessels, and tanks
   Vessels and tanks founded on the ground
   Welded steel containers and tanks for water storage and treatment
   Petrochemical containers and tanks that store liquids
   Welded steel petrochemical vessels and tanks
   Bolted steel petrochemical vessels and tanks
  Petrochemical vessels and tanks  of reinforced and prestressed concrete

7.6 Selecting the earthguake-resistant system

7.7 Structural classification of oil and gas facility

7.8 Seismic evaluation of the oil and gas structural facilities

7.9  Risk categorization

7.10 Seismic importance factor, Ie

7.11 Redundancy factor, ρ

7.12 Seismic load direction criteria

7.13 Application of seismic loads in orthogonal directions

7.12 Seismic load direction criteria

7.15 P-∆ effect

7.16 Consequence of the seismic force E and its effect on load combinations

7.17 Anchoring of non-structural components and equipment

7.18 Seismic demands

7.19 Seismic design force for nonbuilding

7.20 Effects or consequences of seismic loading on nonbuilding

7.21 Effect or consequence of the horizontal seismic force, Eh in nonbuilding structures

7.22 Effect or consequence of the horizontal seismic force including over-resistance, Emh

7.213Horiontal seiwimic design force, Fp for non-structural components

7.24 Vertical seismic design force for non-structural components


8.1 Exercise No. 1 Nonbuilding soported by another nonbulding
    8.1.1 Seismic evaluation of nonbuilding
    8.1.2 Shear on base
    8.1.3 Determination of the natural period, T
    8.1.4 Occupation category and importance factor
    8.1.5 Determination of the transverse direction seismic response coefficient
    8.1.6 Gravitational load excited by earthquake in the transverse frame
    8.1.7 Floor drift in transverse direction
    8.1.8 Horizontal seismic force, including over resistance
    8.1.9 Horizontal seismic force including vertical ground movement

8.2 Exercise No. 2 Seismic resistant design of nonbuilding with elevated vessel
    8.2.1 Organization of the structural analysis to be developed
    8.2.2 Structural system of the vertical vessel
    8.2.3 Structural system that supports the vertical vessel
    8.2.4 Seismic parameters
    8.2.5 Load combinations for seismic
    8.2.6 Configuration of the earthquake-resistant system of the vertical vessel and support substructure
    8.2.7 Design seismic forces Fp,v and Fp h in the vertical vessel
    8.2.8 The seismic design forces Fs,h and Fs,v in the substructure
    8.2.9 Determination of masses
    8.2.10 Determination of the horizontal and vertical seismic forces in the vessel, Fp,h and Fp,v and of the substructure, Fs,h and Fs,v


8.3 Exercise No. 3 Study of reactions of vertical vessel in welded connection with supports or legs

    8.3.1 Analysis of reactions for the X-X direction in welded connections of the vertical vessel to the supports or legs
    8.3.2 Analysis of reactions for the X´-X´ direction in welded connections of the vertical vessel to the supports or legss
    8.3.3 Governing direction analysis for connection design
    8.3.4 Combinations of vertical loads to determine the factored load U of design
    8.3.5 Combinations of horizontal loads to determine the factored load U of desing

8.4 Exercise No. 4 Study of vertical vessel reactions in the vessel/substructure connection
    8.4.1 Analysis of reactions for the X-X direction in the vessel/ ubstructure connection
    8.4.2 Analysis of reactions for the X´-X´ direction in the vessel/substructure connection
    8.4.3 Governing direction analysis for connection design
    8.4.4 Combinaciones de cargas verticales para la determinación de la carga mayorada U que producirán las solicitaciones de diseño en la conexión

8.5 Exercise No. 5 Design of the supports or legs of the vessel/substructure

8.6 Exercise No. 6 Reactions in connection of the nonbuildig with the reinforced concrete slab
    8.6.1 Analysis of reactions for X-X direction in connection of nonbulding with the reinforced concrete slab
    8.6.2 Analysis of reactions for the X'-X' direction in connection of the nonbuilding with the reinforced concrete slab
    8.6.3 Governing direction analysis for connection design
    8.6.4 Combinations of vertical loads to determine the factored load U desing in the connection
    8.6.5 Combinations of horizontal loads to determine the factored load design in the connection

8.7 Exercise No. 7 Structural design of the columns of the sub-structure

8.8 Exercise No. 8 Develop earthquake-resistant structural design procedure for  the substructure that supports the vertical vessel

8.9 Exercise No. 9   Conceptualization and analysis of the elements earthquake-resistant

8.10 Exercise No. 10 Analysis and selection of the predominant seismic load direction that governs the design

8.11 Exercise No. 11 Selection of the seismic design load system in the substructure

8.12 Exercise No. 12 Design the seismic beam of the substructure

8.13 Exercise No. 13 Design the earthquake-resistant bracing elements for the sub-structure

8.14 Exercise No. 14 Design the the earthquake-resistant column in the substructure

8.15 Exercise No. 15 Design the base plate and the anchor bolt system of the connection at the base of the columns with the concrete slab

8.16 Exercise No. 16 Design the connection of the vessel support with the beam of substructure

8.17 Exercise No. 17 Design the shear connection of the W6x20 beam with the HSS 6x4x3/16 tubular column of the substructure

8.18 Exercise No. 18 Develop the procedure for the structural design of a pipe racks
    8.18.a Description of a pipe racks
    8. 18.b Definition of the loading system for a pipe racks
    8.18.c Pipe supports design
    8 .18.d Structural design criteria for determining seismic loads in pipe racks
    8.18.e Design bases for pipe racks
    8.18.f Ground movements
    8.18.g Risk category
    8.18.h Importance factor, Ie
    8.18.i Selecting the earthguake-resistant system
    8.18.j What response modification coefficient  R to use?
    8.18.k Significant comments to consider from Table 15.4-1
    8.18.l Fundamental period, T
    8.18.m Coeficiente de respuesta sísmica, Cs
    8.18.n  Shear on base
    8.18.o Vertical distribution of seismic forces
    8.18.p Drift floor
    8.18.q Redundancy factor, ρ
    8.18.r Determination of the design horizontal seismic force, E
    8.18.s Load combinations for earthquake-resistant design
    8.18.t Action of orthogonal loads

8.19 Exercise No. 19 Determination of the design seismic force of a pipe racks
    8.19.1 Ground movements
    8.19.2 Seismic risk category
    8.19.3 importance factor, Ie
    8.19.4 Selection of the earthquake-resistant system in the transverse direction
    8.19.5 Fundamental period of the structure for the pipe racks, T
    8.19.6 Seismic response coefficient for the transverse direction, Cs
    8.19.7  Masses
    8.19.8  Shear on base in transversal direction
    8.19.9 Vertical distribution of seismic forces in transversal direction
    8.19.10 Deriva
    8.19.11 Redundancy factor, ρ
    8.19.12 Determination of the design seismic foce for the transversal direction, E
    8.19.13 Selection of the earthquake resistance system in the longitudinal direction
    8.19.14 Fundamental period of pipe racks, T
    8.19.15 Seismic response coefficient for the longitudinal direction, Cs
    8.19.16  Masses
    8.19.17 Shear on base in longitudinal direction
    8.19.18 Vertical distribution of seismic forces in longitudinal direction
    8.19.19 Drift floor
    8.19.20  Reduncance factor, ρ
    8.19.21 Determination of the design seismic load for the longitudinal direction, E

8.20 Exercise No. 20 Determination of design force for a pipe rack

8.21 Exercise No. 21 Design of the horizontal bracing system

8.22 Exercise No. 22 Design of the vertical bracing system